Tabel Pesamaan / Pengganti Software Windows di Linux
Last Update : 16.07.2003.
Indonesian Update : 31.08.2004
Anda dapat selalu mencari atau mengecek versi terakhir dari tabel ini di alamat berikut:
Salah satu permasalahan yang besar dalam migrasi dari Windows ke Linux adalah kurang tahunya persamaan suatu software. Pengguna selalu mencari persamaan software Linux dengan Windows dengan bertanya kepada pengguna Linux namun tidak ada yang mengetahui. Oleh sebab itu tabel ini dapat dijadikan referensi. Tabel ini berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi dan masukkan dari pembaca (trims!).
Tabel ini static dengan nama aplikasi yang terdapat pada kolom kanan dan kiri. Rencana kami akan dikonvert kedalam tabel menggunakan MySQL server dan PHP sehingga pembaca dapat menambahkan sendiri sesuai dengan analognya ataupun komentar.
Jika anda ingin menambahkan program ke dalam tabel, silahkan kirim email ke dengan nama program, sistem operasi, diskripsi dan link alamat resminya (jika anda tahu). Semua komentar, perbaikan, koreksi, dan bugreports dapat anda kirimkan email ke
1) Standar program Linux pada tabel ini bersifat free berarti kebebasan (pengertian dari Free Software: FSF dan Debian). Software propertari untuk Linux dengan tanda [Prop]. Non-free software (open source atau sejenisnya, tetapi mempunyai jangka waktu) dengan tanda [NF].
2) Jika didalam tabel terdapat simbol ??? kami tidak tahu secara pasti tentang informasinya.
Idiologi penting dalam membedakan Windows dan Linux :
Mayoritas program yang berjalan di Windows di buat berdasarkan prinsip "all-in-one" (sebagian programmer menambahkan sesuatu didalam program). Prinsip seperti ini disebut "Windows-way".
Idiologi UNIX/Linux bahwa satu komponen atau satu program harus berjalan dalam satu task tapi harus berjalan dengan baik ("UNIX-way"). Program yang berjalan di Linux dapat dikatakan seperti permainan LEGO. Prinsip ini sangat penting dan sebagai tolak ukur untuk mengetahui persamaan program Windwos dengan Linux :).
Perhatian! Mungkin ada kesalahan dan bugs di dalam tabel silahkan kirim email ke
Dua hal yang membuat ketertarikan akan software Windows :
1) Software Windows banyak yg populer. Didalam tabel bukan program utama melainkan prgram terbaik dan populer yang berjalan di Windows
2) Beberapa program Linux dapat berjalan di Windows menggunakan CygWin atau emulator lainnya.
Places where you can get Linux software: | - Dua portal terbesar. Anda dapat mencari yang anda cari!!! | | - Saya menyukai katalog ini. / Linux | | | - Katalog lain.
Program / paket / libarari suatu sistem : | |
Program dan game untuk Windows dan berjalan di Linux menggunakan Wine/WineX:
1) Katalog program Windows yang dapat berjalan menggunakan wine(dari Codeweavers). Di dalam sana terdapat leboih 1000 aplikasi.
2) Katalog game Windows yang dapat berjalan menggunakan WineX(dari Transgaming). Klik disini untuk mencari game, dan ini full list of games.
Bagian :
1) Networking (Jaringan).
2) Bekerja dengam manajemen file.
3) Desktop / System software.
4) Multimedia:
4.1) Audio / CD.
4.2) Grafik.
4.3) Video dan lai-lain.
5) Keperluan perkantoran (Office).
6) Game.
7) Pemrograman.
8) Software untuk server.
9) Program sain dan program spesial.
10) Emulator.
11) Lain-lain / humor :).
Diskripsi program dan perintah dasar | Windows | Linux |
1) Networking (Jaringan). | ||
Web browser | Internet Explorer, Netscape / Mozilla, Opera [Prop], Firefox, ... | 1) Netscape / Mozilla. |
<>Web browser konsol | 1) Links | |
Email client | Outlook Express, Netscape / Mozilla , The Bat, Eudora, Becky, Datula, Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws, Opera, Thunderbird | 1) Evolution. 15) Thunderbird. |
Email client / PIM gaya MS Outlook | Outlook | 1) Evolution. |
Email client gaya The Bat | The Bat | 1) Sylpheed. |
Email client konsol | ||
News reader | 1) Agent [Prop] | 1) Knode. |
Address book | Outlook | 1) Rubrica |
Files downloading | Flashget, Go!zilla, Reget, Getright, DAP, Wget, WackGet, Mass Downloader, ... | 1) Downloader for X. |
Sites downloading | 1) Httrack. | |
FTP-clients | Bullet Proof FTP, CuteFTP, WSFTP, SmartFTP, ... | 1) Gftp. |
FTP-clients konsol | FTP in Far, ftp.exe, Ncftp | |
IRC-clients | Mirc, Klient, VIRC, Xircon, Pirch, XChat | 1) Xchat. |
Local network chat clients without server | 1) QuickChat | 1) talk (console), ktalk. |
Local messaging with Windows machines | WinPopUp | smbclient (console). GUI: |
Instant Messaging clients | ICQ Lite, ICQ Corp, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, ... | 1) Licq (ICQ). |
Jabber IM clients | JAJC, Tkabber (+activestate tcl), Psi, Exodus, WinJab, myJabber, RhymBox, Rival, Skabber, TipicIM, Vista, Yabber, Miranda, Gaim, Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition | 1) Tkabber. |
Monitoring sites and mailboxes, displaying news headlines or full articles | 1) Web Secretary. | |
Video/audio conference | NetMeeting | 1) GnomeMeeting. |
Voice communication | Speak Freely | 1) Speak Freely for Unix. |
Firewall (packet filtering) | BlackICE, ATGuard, ZoneAlarm, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, WinRoute Pro, Norton Internet Security, Sygate Personal Firewall PRO, Kerio Personal Firewall, ... | iptables or more outdated ipchains (console, standard). Front ends: |
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) | 1) BlackICE | 1) Snort. |
Port scanning detection | ??? | 1) Pkdump. |
Making the system more securely | ??? | |
Visual route | VisualRoute [Prop] | 1) Xtraceroute. |
Content (ad / popup) filtering | Proxomitron, ATGuard, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, Privoxy, MS ISA server, Guidescope, ... | 1) DansGuardian. |
Traffic control / shaping | WinRoute Pro, ... | 1) IP Relay. |
Traffic accounting | Netstat, Tmeter, ... | 1) Tcp4me. |
Peer-to-peer clients / servers, file sharing (p2p) | Morpheus (Gnutella), WinMX, Napster, KaZaA (Fasttrack), eDonkey [Prop], eMule, TheCircle, Bittorrent, SoulSeek, Direct Connect | 1) Mldonkey. (eDonkey, Soulseek, Fasttrack, Gnutella, Open Napster, Direct Connect, BitTorrent) |
"Hotline" p2p protocol clients / servers | ??? | Clients: |
Program for working with sound modem with many functions - from answerback and AON to fax device | Venta Fax, PrimaFax | 1) Gfax. (???) |
Work with faxes | WinFax | |
Dialup | Vdialer, etc | 1) Kppp. |
FTN editor | Golded | |
FTN tosser | FastEcho, hpt | 1) hpt. |
FTN mailer | SF-Mail, T-Mail | |
Remote management | 1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing | 1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing. |
Transmission of the files on modem | HyperTerminal, Terminate, etc | 1) Minicom + lrzcz + Kermit. |
Work with ssh | Putty, Irlex, cygwin + ssh | |
Network monitoring tool | Dumeter, Netmedic | 1) Gkrellm. |
Network maintance tool | HP OpenView, MS SMS, Tivoli | 1) HP OpenView agents. [Prop] |
Protocols analysing, sniffing | Sniffer Pro, EtherPeek (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), Windump, Ethereal, MS Network Monitor, Iris, Lan Explorer, NetSniffer, Snort, ... | 1) Ethereal. |
Security scanner | ShadowScan, ISS, Retina, Internet Scanner | |
Routing | MS RRAS | |
Utilites and libraries for Ethernet/IP testing | ||
IP-telephony | Buddyphone [Prop], Cisco SoftPhone | 1) GNU Bayonne. |
Sharing data/files | Windows shares | |
??? | Windows Domain, Active Directory | 1) Samba. |
Viewing Windows-network | Network neighborhood | 1) Samba. |
ADSL | 1) RASPPPOE | 1) rp-pppoe. |
Distributed computing | All projects. | All projects. |
IPSEC protocol | - | |
VRML viewer and editor | ??? | 1) White Dune. |
Work with Ebay | ??? | 1) Bidwatcher. |
2) Bekerja dengan manajemen file. | ||
File manager in FAR and NC style | FAR, Norton Commander, Disco Commander, Volcov Commander, etc | 1) Midnight Commander. |
File manager in Windows Commander style | Total Commander (former Windows Commander) | 1) Krusader. |
File manager in Windows style | Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer | 1) Konqueror. |
Visual Shell | ??? | |
Quick viewing of local HTML documents | 1) Internet Explorer | 1) Dillo. (Russian language patches - here). |
Viewing all operations with files | Filemon | |
Work with UDF | Roxio (former Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CD | |
Work with multi session CD + recovering information from faulty multi session disks | CDFS. | |
Work with compressed files | 1) WinZip | 1) Ark (kdeutils). |
Console archivers | arj, rar, zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, lha... | 1) tar, gzip, bzip2. |
Program for files and directories comparison | 1) Beyond Compare. | 1) WinMerge. |
3) Desktop / System software. | ||
Text editor | 1) Kedit (KDE). | |
Console text editor | 1) Vim. | |
Multi-purpose text and source code editor | 1) Kate (KDE). | |
Text editor with cyrillic encodings support | 1) Kate (KDE). | |
Viewing PostScript | ||
Viewing PDF | 1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller | 1) Acrobat Reader. [Prop] |
Creating PDF | 1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller | 1) Any Linux WYSIWYG program -> print to file -> ps2pdf. (Here's an article about this). 14) |
Crypto | 1) GnuPG (console) + GPA, KGpg, and other frontends. | |
Disc volume encryption | EFS (standard), PGP-Disk, BestCrypt, Private Disk Light | 1) Loop-aes. |
Task scheduler | mstask, nnCron | cron, at (standard, console). GUI: Kcron. |
Outlook scheduler | Outlook scheduler | 1) KOrganizer. |
Virtual CD | VirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon Tools, ... | 1) Virtual CD Kernel Modul. |
Text recognition (OCR) | Recognita, FineReader | |
Translators (cyrillic) | Promt, Socrat | Ksocrat (???) |
Eng-rus dictionaries (cyrillic) | 1) ABBYY Lingvo | 1) Mueller. |
Work with scanner | Programs on CD with scanner, VueScan | |
Antivirus | AVG AntiVirus, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro, F-Prot, Kaspersky, ... | 1) Dr. Web. [Prop] |
System configuration | Control Panel, Msconfig, RegEdit, WinBoost, TweakXP, Customizer XP, X-Setup, PowerToys, Config NT, ... | 1) setup (Red Hat). |
Boot managers | System Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, GAG, ... | 1) Grub. |
Hard disk partitions manager | 1) PowerQuest Partition Magic [Prop] | 1) PartGUI. (GUI for partimage and parted) |
LVM + soft-RAID + parted + ... | - | EVMS. |
Backup software | ntbackup (standard), Legato Networker [Prop] | 1) Legato Networker. [Prop] |
Making images of disk partitions | 1) DriveImage | 1) PartitionImage (GUI - PartGUI). |
Machine mirroring over network | 1) ImageCast | 1) UDP Cast. |
Task manager | TaskMan (standard), TaskInfo, ProcessExplorer NT. | 1) top (console, standard). |
Automatic switch between English and Russian when you type | No analogs :(. | |
Mouse gestures | Sensiva | |
TV program | ??? | |
Text to speech | MS text to speech | 1) KDE Voice Plugins. |
Speech recognition | ViaVoice, DragonNaturally Speaking | Yes, there are no usable speech recognition packages. But: |
Stream text processing | 1) sed, awk. | |
PIM / DB / hierarchical notebook with tree view | 1) TreePad Lite. [Prop] | |
Program for quick switching between resolutions and frequencies | Integrated with system, comes on CD with video card | 1) Multires. |
Search and replace text in files | 1) Integrated with system | 1) find (console, standard). |
Local search engine with SGBD for indexing | 1) Indexing service (???) | 1) mnoGoSearch. |
System monitoring | System monitor (built-in) | 1) top (console, standard). |
Program for logs viewing | Event Viewer (built-in) | 1) Xlogmaster. |
Data Recovery Tools | R-Studio (supports Linux partitions) | 1) e2undel. |
Text files encoder with automatic detection of character set | ??? | 1) Enca. |
Alarm clock | MindIt! | 1) KAlarm. |
Work with Palm | Palm Desktop | |
Allows to carry on Palm .html files | iSilo | |
Low-level optimization | ||
Bible | On-Line Bible, The SWORD | 1) BibleTime (KDE) |
Convenient mouse scrolling | ??? | |
Automatic change of desktop background | ??? | 1) Background Buddy. |
Convenient switching of the keyboard language | ??? | 1) GSwitchIt. |
Windows registry editor | RegEdit | Kregedit :). |
4.1) Multimedia (audio / CD). | ||
Useful links: | - | Linux MIDI & Sound Applications - many links and resources. |
Music / mp3 / ogg players | 1) Winamp | 1) XMMS (X multimedia system). |
Console music / mp3 / ogg players | mpg123, dosamp, Mplayer | 1) Cplayer. |
Programs for CD burning with GUI | Nero, Roxio Easy CD Creator, ... | 1) K3b. (KDE) |
CD player | CD player, Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... | 1) KsCD. |
Slowing the rotation of CD | Slowcd, Cdslow | 1) mount -o speed= |
CD ripping / grabbing | 1) Cdex | 1) Grip. |
Tracker music player | Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... | 1) xmms + MikMod-plugin. Comes with xmms. |
Midi player | Winamp, Windows Media Player, ... | 1) xmms + midi-plugin. (Using TiMidity) |
Midi + karaoke player | 1) Kmid. | |
Mp3 encoders | 1) Lame | |
OGG encoders | oggenc | oggenc. |
Work with Real protocol | 1) RealPlayer. [Prop] | 1) RealPlayer. [Prop] |
Radio | VC Radio, FMRadio, Digband Radio | 1) xradio. |
Audio editors | SoundForge, Cooledit, Audacity, ... | 1) Glame. |
Multitrack audio processor | Cubase | |
Sound tracker | Fasttracker, ImpulseTracker | 1) Soundtracker. |
Sound mixer | sndvol32 | 1) Opmixer. |
Software for music notation | ||
Midi-sequencer | Cakewalk | 1) RoseGarden. |
Music creation | Cakewalk, FruityLoops | 1) RoseGarden. |
Synthesizer | Virtual waves, Csound | 1) Csound. |
ID3-Tag Editors | 1) EasyTAG. | |
Guitar/Instrument Tuning software | 1) In-Tune Multi-Instrument Tuner | ??? |
Record streaming audio into .MP3 files | ||
4.2) Multimedia (grafik). | ||
Graphic files viewer | 1) ACDSee | 1) Xnview. |
Viewing the graphic files in console | QPEG | 1) zgv. |
Simple graphic editor | Paint | 1) Kpaint. |
Powerful graphic editor in PhotoShop style | 1) Adobe Photoshop [Prop] | 1) Gimp. |
Programs for work with vector graphics | Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, AutoSketch, OpenOffice Draw | 1) Sodipodi. |
SVG editor | WebDraw [Prop] | |
SVG viewer | 1) Squiggle | 1) Squiggle. |
Program for text decoration | Wordart, OpenOffice Draw | |
Program for ASCII-drawing | ANSI DRAW, Mazaika | |
Converting the graphic files in pseudographics | ??? | aalib. |
Flash playing | Flash Player | 1) SWF Macromedia Flash Player. |
Flash creation | Macromedia Flash | 1) DrawSWF. |
3D-graphics | 1) Blender. | |
The instrument for making the photographic quality scene based of ArchiCAD 3D-models | ArtLantis Render | ??? |
Icon editor | Microangelo | 1) Gnome-iconedit. |
Small program for making screenshots | Integrated with system (PrintScreen), Snag it, ... | 1) Ksnapshot. |
Drawing structure diagrams of the database | Access | |
Create printed calendars, greeting cards, etc., with clip art collection | Broderbund Print Shop | ??? |
Download pictures from digital camera | Polaroid Drivers | 1) Camera Tool (gtkam) |
4.3) Multimedia (video dan lain-lain) | ||
Video / mpeg4 players | 1) BSplayer | 1) Mplayer. (Frontend: Kplayer). |
Console video / mpeg4 players | ||
DVD players | PowerDVD, WinDVD, MicroDVD, Windows Media Player, VideoLAN | |
DVD rippers / encoders | Gordian Knot, Mencoder (from Mplayer) | 1) Drip. |
Simple video creation and editing | Windows Movie Maker | 1) iMira Editing. [Prop] |
Professional video creation and editing | Adobe Premiere, Media Studio Pro | 1) iMira Editing. |
Cutting video | Virtual Dub | |
Converting video | Virtual Dub, Mencoder (from Mplayer) | |
Work with TV-tuner / watch TV | AVerTV, PowerVCR 3.0, CinePlayer DVR, Mplayer, ... | 1) Tvtime. |
Work with TV-tuner in console | - | 1) Mplayer. |
Work with QuickTime format | QuickTime Player | 1) QuickTime. |
Creation of 2D and 3D effects | Adobe After Effects | 1) Shake. [Proprietary, $129.95] |
Animation | Animation Shop, ... | 1) CinePaint. |
Landscape / terrain generation | Bryce | |
World construction | World Construction Set, Animatek | ??? |
Framework for developing video applications | ??? | |
5) Keperluan perkantoran (Office). | ||
Office suite | MS Office, StarOffice / OpenOffice, 602Software | 1) OpenOffice. |
Office suite | WordPerfect Office 2000 | WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux. (No longer available at Corel website. It was Windows version, running under Wine :). |
Word processor | Word, StarOffice / OpenOffice Writer, 602Text, Abiword | 1) Abiword. |
Spreadsheets | Excel, StarOffice / OpenOffice Calc, 602Tab | 1) Gnumeric. |
Graphing / charting data | Excel, ... | 1) Kivio. |
Creating presentations | MS PowerPoint, StarOffice Presentation, OpenOffice Impress | 1) StarOffice Presentation. |
Local database | MS Access, InterBase6, OpenOffice + MySQL. | 1) KNoda. |
Receiving the quotings, news, building graphs and analysing of the financial market. | Omega Research Trade Station 2000 | |
Software for e-commerce and web business | 1) Weblogic [Prop] | 1) Weblogic. [Prop] |
Personal finances manager | 1) MS Money | 1) GNUcash. |
Project management | MS Project, Project Expert 7 | 1) Mr Project. |
Financial accounting package (global) | ??? | 1) Hansa Business Solutions. [Prop] |
Financial accounting package (russian) | "1C: Accounting" | 1) Hansa Business Solutions. [Prop] |
Financial accounting package (India & Asia) | ??? | Kalculate. [Prop] |
Automation of the enterprise (russian) | "1C: Enterprise" | |
ERP\CRM (english) | ??? | 1) Dolibarr. |
ERP\CRM (russian) | "BOSS-Corporation" | |
Corporate docflow system (russian). | 1) "Boss-Referent" | 1) NauDoc. |
6) Game. | ||
Where to get | Anywhere you want :). | The Linux Game Tome ( | | Kde Games | Linux Game Publishing |
The Linux Game List | - | |
Games for Windows, that can be run under WineX | - | This is a search form, and this is a full list of games (very big). |
- | Tetris | 1) LTris. |
- | Standard Windows games | 1) Kdegames. |
- | Mines | 1) KMines. |
- | Civilization | |
- | Civilization: Call to Power | Civilization: Call to Power. |
- | Sid Meyer Alpha Centauri | Sid Meyer Alpha Centauri. |
- | Sim City 3000 | Sim City 3000. |
- | Command&Conquer | |
- | Warcraft 2, Starcraft (?) | |
- | (Win)Digger | 1) Digger. |
- | Arkanoid, Zball, ... | |
Quake 1, 2, 3 | 1) Quake 1, 2, 3. | 1) Quake 1, 2, 3. |
- | CounterStrike | CounterStrike under WineX. |
- | Urban Terror | Urban Terror. |
DOOM | 1) jDoom / Doomsday. | 1) jDoom / Doomsday. |
Heretic | 1) DOOM Legacy. | 1) DOOM Legacy. |
Hexen | 1) jHexen / Doomsday. | |
- | Heretic 2 | |
- | Return to Castle Wolfenstein | |
- | Descent | Descent. |
- | Never Winter Nights | Never Winter Nights. |
- | Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003 | Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003. |
- | Soldier Of Fortune | Soldier Of Fortune. |
- | Tribes 2 | Tribes 2. |
- | Blood 1 | |
- | Worms | Nil. |
- | Lines | 1) GtkBalls. |
- | MS Flight Simulator | |
- | Lemmings | |
Racing | Need For Speed | 1) Tux Racer :). |
Chess | ChessMaster, ... | 1) Glchess. |
7)Pemrograman | ||
IDE | 1) Microsoft VisualStudio .net | 1) CodeForge. |
Visual C++ IDE | Borland C++ Builder, MS Visual C | 1) Anjuta + Glade + Devhelp. |
C++ IDE | Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS, , Minimalist GNU For Windows (mingw32-gcc.exe) | 1) GCC (+ Motor or + Xwpe). |
Object Pascal IDE | Delphi | 1) Kylix. [Prop] (Kylix Personal Edition is free). |
Pascal | Pascal, BP | 1) Freepascal. |
Basic | Basic | 1) Hbasic. |
Prolog | VisualProlog, Mercury, SICStus Prolog [Prop] | 1) GNU Prolog. |
Assembler | TASM, MASM, NASM | 1) NASM. (Intel syntax) |
Disassembler, Reverse engineering | SoftIce | The source code is open :) |
Debugger | 1) WinDbg | gdb. Frontends: |
WYSIWYG html editor | 1) Macromedia Dreamweaver | 1) Netscape / Mozilla Composer.
Powerful editor for site creating, contains set of samples and can be complemented with every sort and kind of plug-ins | Dreamweaver Ultradev | ??? |
HTML / DHTML editor | HomeSite, Coffeecup | 1) Quanta Plus. |
HTML / DHTML editor | Arachnofilia | Arachnofilia. [Prop] |
XML Editor | XML Spy [Prop] | 1) XMLMind XML Editor. |
Perl/Python/Tcl IDE | - | 1) Komodo. [Prop] |
Java IDE | JBuilder, IDEA | Link: Java Tools for Linux. |
IDE for Oracle Database development | T.O.A.D., SQL Navigator, PL/SQL Developer | |
CASE-facility for UML | ArgoUML, Together ControlCenter [Prop] | 1) Umbrello UML Modeller. |
Top-level CASE system | Rational Rose. | Rational Rose. [Prop] |
HEX-editor | ||
Clipper compiler and preprocessor | CA-Clipper, The Harbour Project | 1) Clip. |
Platform in dot-net style | M$ .Net | 1) Mono. |
Work with CVS | WinCVS, TortoiseCVS, cvs for Windows, BitKeeper [Prop] | 1) cvs (console). |
IDE for Interbase/Firebird development | IBExpert | 1) IBAccess |
Visual Basic | Visual Basic | |
Graphical libraries | 1) WinAPI, MFC, VCL (C, C++) | If toolkit is oriented on C, usually it's possible to use it from the other languages. There is object bindings for some of them to use them with C++ and other OO-languages. Toolkits, oriented on C++ from the beginning, are impossible to use from C, and quite often - from the other languages. |
Source code documentation system | ??? | |
Memory leak tracing | 1) Numega Bounds Checker | 1) MallocDebug. |
Application development profiling (tests code performance) | ??? | 1) gProf. |
Software projecting | 1) Rational Rose | ??? |
Game programming | ||
Everything needed for work with XML Schemas, DTD, XSL/XSLT, SOAP, WSDL (edit, debug, check, etc) | 1) Altova XMLSpy Suite | ??? |
Source code -> HTML-document with highlighted syntax | ??? | 1) Webcpp. |
Bug Tracking System | ??? | 1) Bugzilla. |
Object Request Broker (ORB) | 1) ORBIT | 1) ORBIT. |
Portability | ??? | |
Source code indexer and cross-referencer | ??? | 1) GNU GLOBAL. |
Dynamic tracer of system calls | ??? | 1) Syscalltrack. |
XML C parser | 1) libxml (???) | 1) Libxml2. |
8) Software untuk server. | ||
Web-server | 1) Apache | 1) Apache. |
FTP-server | Internet Information Server, ServU, War FTP, BulletProof FTP server | 1) pure-ftpd. |
Language for Web-development | PHP | PHP. |
Language for Web-development | Perl | Perl. |
Language for Web-development | ASP | ASP module for Apache. |
Database engine | MS SQL, MySQL | 1) Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise. [Prop] |
Database engine | IBM DB2 | IBM DB2. [Prop] |
Database engine | Oracle | 1) Oracle. [Prop] |
Database engine | Informix [Prop] | Informix. [Prop] |
Database engine | Borland Interbase, FireBird | |
Email server | MDaemon, Hamster | |
Email / PIM / Groupware server | Microsoft Exchange | 1) CommuniGate Pro. [Prop] |
Mail filter / spam killer | cygwin+Exim port | 1) SpamAssassin. |
Mail downloader | MDaemon | |
??? | Lotus Domino | Lotus Domino. [Prop] |
Server / router on one diskette. | Impossible | As much as you want :). |
Proxy server | MS Proxy Server, WinGate | |
Server for supporting Java Servlets and JSP, can work with Apache | ||
Advanced server statistics | 1) AWStats | 1) AWStats. (All web-, ftp-, proxy-, mail-, wap- and streaming-servers). |
Cluster of servers | ??? | |
Web Mail | ??? | |
9) Program sain dan program spesial. | ||
Useful links: | - | Scientific Applications on Linux - many links to both OSS and proprietary applications. |
Math system in MathCad style | Mathcad | Gap. |
Math system in Matlab style | 1) Matlab. [FTP] | |
Math system in Mathematica style | 1) Mathematica. [Prop] | |
Math system in Maple style | Maple | |
Equation / math editor | Mathtype, MS Equation Editor, OpenOffice Math | 1) OpenOffice Math. |
Programs for three-dimensional modeling | SolidWorks, ... | ProEngineer Linux. [Prop] |
Programs for three-dimensional modeling | CATIA | CATIA. It was designed under Unix, and from version 4 (2000) it was ported under Windows (not too successfully). |
Programs for three-dimensional modeling | SolidEdge | SolidEdge (part of more powerful package Unigraphics). |
Engineering | ANSYS | ANSYS. |
CAD/CAM/CAE | AutoCAD, Microstation, ArchiCAD | 1) Varkon. |
CAD/CAM/CAE, simplified | AutoCAD Lite | Qcad. |
Desktop Publishing Systems | Adobe PageMaker, QuarkXPress | Adobe Framemaker. [Proprietary, cancelled] |
Small desktop publishing systems | MS Publisher | |
Diagram and chart designer | Microsoft Visio | 1) Kivio (Koffice). |
Geographic image processing software | Erdas Imagine, ER Mapper, ENVI | ENVI. |
GIS (Geographical information system) | ArcView | All projects: FreeGIS Project. |
Interactive Geographic Data Viewer | 1) Thuban. | 1) Thuban. |
Vectorization of bitmaps | MapEdit, Easy Trace | 1) Autotrace. |
Software CNC, controlling machine tools | OpenCNC [Prop] | EMC. |
Advanced text processing system in TeX style | MikTex, emTeX (DOS) | |
Convenient, functional and user-friendly TeX-files / dvi-files editor. | WinEdt | 1) Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment). |
Statistical Computing Language and Environment | R. | |
Statistical analysis | SPSS, Statistica, SalStat | Many links - here. |
Econometrics Software | Eviews, Gretl | 1) Gretl. |
Emulation of the circuit | 1) Electronic Workbench | 1) Geda. |
Program to draw chemical structures | ||
Downloader and player for Olympus dictophone | Olympus DSS Player | ??? |
Market analysis | ??? | |
Electronics scheme design | 1) PCAD | 1) Eagle. |
The oscilloscope emulation | Winoscillo | |
Measurement of the temperature and voltages on motherboard | MBMonitor, PCAlert, Speedfan | 1) KSensors. |
S.M.A.R.T-attributes and temperature of the hard disk | Come on CD with mainboard, Active SMART | 1) smartctl. |
Memory testing | SiSoft SANDRA | |
Program for watching temperatures, fanspeeds, etc | SiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA | 1) Ksensors. |
HDD testing / benchmarking | SiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA, IOzone | 1) hdparm. |
Video testing / benchmarking | Final Reality | 1) X11perf. |
Realtime Control | ||
Simulator of nets | ??? | 1) NS. |
Neural network simulation | ??? | |
"Sensor for LCD" | ??? | 1) Sensors-lcd. |
Electrocardiogrammas viewer | ??? | 1) ecg2png. |
A software technology, that turns x86 computer into a full-function PLC-like process controller | 1) MatPLC. | |
Catalog of the software for translators | - | |
Translation memory | 1) Trados Translators Workbench | 1) OmegaT. |
Catalog of educational software | - | 1) SchoolForge. |
Designing and viewing DTDs | NearFar Designer [Prop] | ??? |
Finity Element Analysis |
- | |
10) Emulator. | ||
Virtual machine emulator | 1) VMWare [Prop] | 1) VMWare. [Prop] |
Linux emulator | 1) CygWin. | |
X Window System (XFree) emulator | - | |
Windows emulator | - | 1) Wine. (GUI: gwine, tkwine) |
Sony PlayStation emulator | ePSXe, ... | |
ZX Spectrum emulator | X128, Speccyal, SpecX, SpecEmu, UnrealSpeccy, ... | |
Arcade machines emulator | ??? | 1) MAME. |
ST emulator | 1) Steem. | 1) StonX. |
C64 emulator | ??? | 1) Vice. |
Amiga emulator | ??? | 1) UAE. |
Mac 68k emulator | ??? | 1) Basilisk II. |
Game boy emulator | 1) Visual Boy Advance. | |
Atari 2600 Video Computer System emulator | 1) Stella | |
NES / SNES emulator | ||
M680x0 Arcade emulator | 1) Rainemu. | 1) Rainemu. |
Multi / other emulators | ??? | |
11) Lain-lain / humor :) | ||
Space simulator | 1) Openuniverse. | 1) Openuniverse. |
TV driver | - | |
System, running from CD without installing (Live CD) | 1) Windows PE. | 1) Knoppix. |
Boot rescue/tools diskette | Windows system diskette | 1) Linux system diskette. |
Creation of LiveCD for system recovery | ??? | |
Local file systems mount | ext2fs (driver), explore2fs (program) - ext2/3 under Windows | Linux-NTFS. (driver for NTFS partitions mounting) |
Installing software and uninstalling | InstallShield, WISE, GhostInstaller, Microsoft Installer - the analog of rpm | 1) Rpm. 10) Synaptic (GUI apt-get) |
Installing software from source and uninstalling | 1) make install, make uninstall | |
System update | Windows Update | 1) Ximian Red Carpet. |
Certification | MCSD, MCT, MCSE | 1) Red Hat Certification. |
Icons on desktop | Explorer | 1) Desktop File Manager. |
Work with screensavers | Desktop properties | 1) xset. |
Place for keeping "removed" files | Trash | 1) Trash Can. |
Checking the hard disk | Scandisk | fsck -check or reiserfsck -check. |
Defragmentation | defrag | Not needed. |
GUI of the system | Windows Explorer | Kde, Gnome, IceWM, Windowmaker, Blackbox, Fluxbox, ... |
Windows XP GUI | Windows XP | XPde. |
Multiple workspaces | - | Yes!!! :). |
Fast users / desktop switching | Windows XP feature for non- networked computers | 1) Ctrl+Alt+F1, login as new user at command-line interface, start GUI by entering command startx - - :1. Switch between screens using Ctrl+Alt+F7 or F8 depending on user. |
Flavors of the system | 9x, NT, XP | RedHat, Mandrake, Knoppix, Debian, SuSE, ALT, ASP, Gentoo, Slackware, Linux From Scratch, ... |
Tactics | FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) | Open Source! |
Source code of the kernel freely available | No | |
Command line and scripting | 1) :). | |
Free of charge operating system | Microsoft Windows. (Imagine yourself that in Russia there are 95% of users having a pirate copy of Windows :). | Linux - the Free operating system!! |
- | ||
- | Wincih, klez, etc | No analogs |
Backdoors and hidden keys | Decide it yourself :). | - |
Easter eggs, undocumented possibilities | Logo with Windows developers, Doom in Excel 95, 3D-racing in Excel 2000, etc, etc... | - |
The magazines | Windows Magazine | 1) Linux Journal. |
- | Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) | 1) Kernel panic. |
Whom it is necessary to curse for bugs and defects of the system | M$, Bill Gates personally | 1) Developers of the distribution. |
- | M$.com | |
- | | |
- | Bill Gates, "Road ahead" | Linus Torvalds, "Just for fun" :). |
- | Bill Gates, "Business @ the speed of thought" | Richard M. Stallman, "The right to read". |
Halaman ini terlisensi oleh GNU FDL.
Valery V. Kachurov - Mengkoordinasi dan menyuport proyek, updating tabel, html, coding, webmaster, design. Membaca email dan terkadang membalasnya :).
Nesov Artem - Pemberi ide tabel dan pemberi koreksi dan masukkan.
Timofey Korolev – Hosting.
Dedy Hariyadi (Kelompok Pengguna Linux Indonesia-Jogjakarta) - Penerjemah bahasa Indonesia
Visitors of this page - A huge amount of letters with additions, corrections and just good wishes :). Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project!!! (Full list with rating - under construction).
Wah.., terima kasih atas petunjuknya Mas Bimo. Informasi ini sangat berguna bagi para pengguna Linux.
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My first experience with Linux is pretty bad due to its usability, it might be the reason I didn't familiar with Linux terms.
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